Mrs Yvonne Hall (Heads PA)
Jarrow School
Field Terrace
Tyne & Wear
NE32 5PR
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0191 4283200
Fax: 0191 4283202
Head Teacher - Miss J Gillies
SENDCo - Mrs A Mallin
Site Access Information
Vehicular access to the school is provided off Field Terrace. Parking has been provided in the main car park in front of the school. Disabled parking is available within the car park in close proximity to the main entrance.
Drop off points are provided adjacent to the pedestrian piazza at the front of the school and within the designated car park adjacent to the entrance to the Autism Unit to assist any disabled people with walking difficulties or wheelchair users. Directional signage indicating the location of any drop off points is provided around the site. Drop off points will have level access leading to the entrance door.
A dedicated access point and drop off facility for minibuses and taxis has been provided off Field Terrace for the Post 11 Autism Centre.
There are good public transport links serving the school, with a bus stop immediately adjacent to the site.
A service access road has been provided off Springwell Road leading directly to the service yard adjacent to the kitchens. This road is for use by service vehicles only. This dedicated access for service vehicles is kept very separate from the pupils, staff and visitors access points for safety and to reduce congestion.