
Click here to view our Exam Timetable Summer 2025

Jarrow School hopes that all students will be successful in their examinations. So that the examinations you take run as smoothly as possible, there are a number of rules and regulations that you must be aware of. Students will be taking public examinations at various times during years 10 & 11, either controlled assessments or full GCSE’s. This can be a stressful time for students and parents, and it is important that all those involved are as well informed as possible. Well-informed students will realise that the rules and regulations are designed to ensure fairness and minimise disturbance and it is in the interest of all that the exams run smoothly. The centre will make every effort to ensure that candidates receive the best possible preparation for their examinations, that the administrative arrangements run smoothly, and that the examinations are conducted in a way that will cause as little stress as possible and help students to achieve their best. Students are expected to attend school as normal while exams are taking place, however they may be allowed to leave school at the end of any afternoon examination so may arrive home either early or late depending on the length of the examination. Time off school will not be authorised during exam sessions for these year groups.  If your child has been entered for an examination and is absent for reasons other than sickness you may be charged the entry fee. The information on this page is intended to inform about examination procedures and answer some of the most frequently asked questions to help to guide and support students and parents through the examination process. If you need any further information or have any queries please contact our Examinations Officer, Hayley Alcock via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The following documents are in PDF format, a free reader is available from the Adobe website here

Preparing for and Sitting your Exams

The following documents offer help and advice on how to prepare for your exams and let you know what is expected of you during your exams:

- JCQ Information for Candidates - Written Examinations

- JCQ Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments

JCQ Information for candidates - Non Exam Assessments

- JCQ Information for candidates - Onscreen Examinations

- JCQ Information for candidates - Social Media Guidance

- JCQ Information for candidates - Preparing to Sit Your Exams

As well as the documents above there will be informational posters displayed outside each exam room when you arrive for your exams (please see examples below).  It is very important that the instructions on these posters are followed to ensure that your exam entry is not invalidated.


What to do if you are ill on the day of an exam

If you are ill and are unable to attend an exam it is vital you phone the school first thing in the morning (0191 4283200) to inform us. 

You must also obtain a note from your doctor detailing the reason for non-attendance.  There is the possibility of submitting this note to the Examinations Board to ask for special consideration.  The Examination Board looks at this in conjunction with other exam marks from the student in that particular subject, coursework marks and mock exam marks.  This will then sometimes enable them to adjust the mark and grade accordingly. 

If you are feeling unwell, but still able to attend your exam, come to the Exams office on the morning of your exam and we can assess the situation. It is better to take the exam if you can. 

If in doubt call the school!


Students will be able to collect a copy of their results, in person, between 9am and 11am on results day. Any results which have not been collected at that time will be put in the first-class post to the home address. Please ensure you advise the school of any change of address after your exams.

If you want your results collected by someone else, or if you want them posted to a different address, please complete the form given out with your exam timetable and return it to our Examinations Officer.  Results will not be given to any other person without this written consent and cannot be given over the phone.  A PDF version of the form is available here.

Other exam series results will be issued in school time as they are received.


Certificates will be available for collection from Jarrow School from the third week in November each year. 

Students will be able to collect certificates in person between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

If students are unable to collect their own certificates, they can be collected by someone else however, they must have a letter signed by the student giving them permission to do so.  Certificates will not be given to any other person without this written consent. 

Any uncollected certificates will be held for one year, after this period the certificates will be securely destroyed. 

Unfortunately we are not able to post certificates due to the risk of them going missing.


Other Useful Information

Appeals Procedure for All External Qualifications

JCQ (web link)

JCQ (Artificial Intelligence Information for Students link)

JCQ (Access Arrangements Information link)

WJEC (Student Support web link)

AQA (Student and Parent Support web link)

OCR (Exam support web link)

Pearson (Students | Pearson qualifications web link)

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Jarrow School
Field Terrace
Tyne & Wear
NE32 5PR

Email: info@jarrowschool.com
Tel: 0191 4283200
Fax: 0191 4283202

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