Jarrow School draws its students from the whole ability range. We operate a two week timetable with one hour lessons, however some option lessons at Key Stage 4 are blocked in periods of two hours. All students begin the day with a short tutorial period. Following this, there is a teaching timetable of five hours per day, or twenty five hours per week. The majority of staff are teaching their specialism.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
All year groups are taught in seven classes that are named after the planets and are set according to ability. In Design and Technology and Physical Education, classes are split up to make smaller groups to facilitate safe practical work. In all year groups, some students follow a basic skills programme and there is a designated special educational needs group to ensure that students are given any additional support they need to fully reach their potential.
The curriculum has been regularly revised over the last few years as the National Curriculum has changed. At Key Stage 3, students follow a three year course which includes the following subjects:
Design and Technology
French or Spanish
Physical Education
Social, Moral and Cultural Studies (SMC)
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
There are eight classes in each year group at Key Stage 4. Students are split into two broad bands: A band (4 classes) and B band (4 classes). This is sometimes increased to four classes depending on the needs of students. Setting takes place within each band for the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Four option blocks are taught across each year group. Further information on the subjects available within each option block is available on the year Key Stage 4 curriculum plan. Students also continue to study Physical Education and Social, Moral and Cultural Studies.
A wide range of careers education opportunities for all year groups takes place throughout the year. Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants are appropriately deployed across all year groups.
Curriculum Diagrams
Years 7, 8 & 9
Please note: The Arts include Art, Music and Drama. Design Technology includes Graphic Design, Food & Nutrition, Product Design and System & Electronics.
Year 10
Please note: Option choices, option blocks and courses are subject to change. This depends on numbers of students, staffing requirements and the relevant qualifications being approved.
Year 11
Please note: 4/2 split in PE/IT means one is studied for 4 lessons and a vocational qualification is gained, one is studied for 2 lessons with no qualification. The students decide which pathway they wanted to follow.
To download a PDF version of these curriculum plans please click here
If you have any queries regarding the curriculum or would like more detailed information then please contact Miss Gilleece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Promoting British Values
We aim to provide an education that equips our students with not only an excellent academic grounding but also one that, throughout our curriculum, promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and cultures.
Here you can find links to PDF documents that show in greater detail how these values are reinforced throughout our curriculum.